[This paintchat session was a public one. Please check the iroha_paintchat livejournal community for more information if you're interested!]
20th January 07. I still haven't done any work. But what the heck - paintchat session banzai! (This is going to kill me.)
...This session was organised by midnightreverie, who was bored and waiting for the raw to come out (waiting for raw seems to be the biggest reason for people to have paintchats here it seems >_>)
midnightreverie | pearljamz | wao
So first it was just me and midnightreverie...

...and this resulted. Uh. I think the person from the left is from another anime (The Third). And do not ask what is up with the visors. Really. I don't know either.

After this pearljamz joined, and we just doodled a bit for fun while deciding on a theme thing to draw... and we decided on drawing everyone 10 years later.

And there you have it. midnightreverie unfortunately couldn't finish her young Soutetsu on the left because she had to leave, but pearljamz drew the cute Akizuki in the middle while I drew Kanna and Kakunojou.

I drew this after telling pearljamz of the l33tness of episode 10. And how impossibly hawt Akizuki is in it.
After this she had to go to sleep so... that was about it.
In a separate issue, me and midnightreverie tested out networking on an old version of openCanvas. The result was this:

Yup. I'm still very unfamiliar with oC...