Wow, it's been a long time - a paintchat session on the 19th of December and the last one we had was on the 3rd.. @_@
Today's paintchat session was inspired by episode 11. At the end of the episode, there's this really hilarious bit with these ghostly terracotta soldier giant thingies who invade the troupe's tent and target Kakunojou. Of course, Akizuki dashes in later, brandishing a taimatsu (sort of flame torch) which effectively dispels the ghosts.
Just that in the last part, his taimatsu mysteriously disappears, and he looks kind of 呆けた... which provides a gap for none other than our very own Kakunojou-chan to dash in with her own taimatsu!
...Except that she is very... aggressive with it. Like, even after the ghost is gone she's still viciously slashing it around for a good few seconds. Bad animation? Or is Kakunojou getting overprotective because Akizuki-sama is in danger?... You decide.
Enough jabber from me - onto our silly ideas of How Dangerous An Overzealous Kakunojou Can Be. There's more to come in this series, don't worry :) (EDIT: You can see moar of this stuff here) All are read top to bottom, left to right.

First up: Basic. Kakunojou vs. Ghostly Terracotta Giant Soldier Thing (who likes giving rude gestures).

Second: Kakunojou vs. stalker!Kanna part 1.

And the conclusion of Kakunojou vs. stalker!Kanna. (With an omake on the right.)
No, I stress that we are not BL fans (seriously). Neither do we hate them (also seriously). But um... pardon us for this OK? And also pardon us for making Kanna so terribly OOC (well, depending on who you ask...)
P.S. Ori - sorry I didn't draw boxers on nekkid Akizuki. I died trying to do that even so I just slapped on a... yeah. D: